Rao’s Minestrone

This delicious soup comes to us from Rao’s Cookbook. Rao’s is the legendary Italian restaurant in East Harlem New York. For more than 100 years they have been serving truly home style cooking in the tiny corner establishment. It’s history is long and varied, colorfully reviewed in this wonderful book. Rao’s is all but impossible to get…

Stupidly Simple Turkey Carcass Stock

Well, the big feast is over, and the turkey sandwiches are coming out. What do you do with that humoungous carcass after you have picked the bird clean? Don’t throw it away! Turn that skeleton into delicious stock to have on hand for whatever. The roasting of the bird gives it richness and depth of flavor. You can…

Famous Hand Model Split Pea Soup

Here in America, next weekend marks the end of Daylight Saving Time.  Why we still do this is a topic of endless debate; frankly I think the entire world should be on one global time zone anyway, but early Sunday morning, most of us will dutifully set our clocks back one hour and it will get…

Spicy Fresh Vegetable Soup

As the days grow shorter and the nights cooler, our thoughts here at Hot Eddie’s turn to soup. All kinds of soup. Minestrone, pea soup, chicken soup, lentil soup, fish soup. Some of them take a fair amount of preparation and time. A real French Onion Soup, for example, takes hours of browning and simmering…